Monday, August 9, 2010

Communication More or Less

One of the great questions of any communication activity, whether it involves bodily contact or not, is that of frequency, or more simply, how often.

"Never often enough", my husband might complain, but of course, we're suggesting quite different things.

When I talk about "communication activity" I am indeed referring to any action that requires a reaction - that is that process of 'Send & Receive' (did you notice my the new banner for my blog?) the very foundation of all communication.

The problem these days is that access to quick, easy and often cheap forms of media, and in particular online or E-Communication, has meant that there is by and large way to much sending than is appropriate.

To put things in perspective - and in a bow to my continually unsatisfied husband! - the way I see it the process of sending a communication in whatever form, whether it be physical or virtual, spoken or written, is very much like the actions of a lover.

Like any lover sending signals a desire to establish a communion, a relationship, an understanding, possibly a marriage, a long term commitment that will mean you and your receiver are wed together in a holy bond based on a history of sharing.

But let's face it. These days there is little that is virtuous or restrained about senders, those plighting their troth, those desperate to hitch their respective cabooses to the receiver they so desire.

Indeed there is something akin to communication sluttery, senders so keen to attract your attention that they prostitute themselves to their chosen media.

As a result, these senders exist in a world of excited activity where there is no such thing as too much. And so, they engage in acts of communication so intensely, so frequently that the object of their affections can only tire.

No one likes a stalker,that person who's been given no formal commitment from his receivers of his messages of love yet continues to pester them with promises! pledges! prizes!

No one likes to have their mailboxes, real or virtual, or their facebook or MSN pages, bulging with rubbish.

Just because I've given you my number or made the foolish mistake in befriending you on Facebook or Twitter or MSN, I really don't need to hear from you even five times a day. In my view, once or twice is adequate.

Of course, in the way of all these diatribes, there is always an exception. And here it is.

By and large, all will be forgiven, your sluttery, your prostitution, your pathetic need for the love of that great ocean of possible receivers if and only if you genuinely have something interesting, informative, entertaining or enlightening to impart.

Generally, however, the frequency of communication can tell your receivers much about the degree of thought you may have put into your communication.

Whether you're posting something on Facebook or texting a friend or emailing your marketing material or even telephoning someone you like, never forget that less is always more.

That is, unless you're my husband :)